$(function () { $('.img-box').each(function () { var dataW = $(this).data('wnum'); var dataH = $(this).data('hnum'); if (dataW || dataH) { var nums = (dataH / dataW).toFixed(8) * 100 + '%'; console.log(nums); $(this).css({ 'padding-bottom': nums }) } }); //导航效果 // const showAnim = gsap.from('.header', { // yPercent: -100, // paused: true, // duration: 0.4 // }).progress(1); // ScrollTrigger.create({ // start: "top top", // end: 99999, // onUpdate: (self) => { // self.direction === -1 ? showAnim.play() : showAnim.reverse() // } // }); //banner var swiperBanner = new Swiper('.index-banner .swiper', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0, loop: false, watchSlidesProgress: true, speed: 1000, watchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 // autoplay: { // delay: 5000 // }, lazy: { loadPrevNext: true, }, pagination: { el: '.banner .swiper-pagination', clickable: true }, on: { init: function (swiper) { // slide = this.slides.eq(1); // slide.addClass('ani-slide'); // // this.emit("transitionEnd") // var videoBor = $(".swiper .swiper-slide"); // var videolist = videoBor.find("video");//video閻庣數顢婇挅鍕极閹殿喚鐭� // var $video =$(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).find("video")[0]; // if($video){ // // $video.pause(); // $video.addEventListener("ended", function (e) { // swiperBanner.slideNext() // }); // $(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).on("click", '.video-show',function () { // console.log('0000'); // swiperBanner.autoplay.stop(); // if ($video.paused) { // $(this).find('.p-icon').hide(); // $video.play(); // } else { // $(this).find('.p-icon').show(); // $video.pause(); // } // }); // } // videoBor.on("click", function () { // swiperBanner.autoplay.stop(); // if ($video.paused) { // $(this).find('.p-icon').hide(); // $video.play(); // } else { // $(this).find('.p-icon').show(); // $video.pause(); // } // }); }, transitionStart: function () { for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides.eq(i); slide.removeClass('ani-slide'); } var $video = $(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).find("video")[0]; if ($video) { $video.currentTime = 0 $video.play(); } }, transitionEnd: function () { slide = this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex); slide.addClass('ani-slide'); var $video = $(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).find("video")[0]; if (!$video) { this.autoplay.start(); } // var index = this.activeIndex // if ($video) { // swiperBanner.autoplay.stop(); // if ($video.paused) { // $(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).find('.p-icon').show(); // } else { // $(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).find('.p-icon').hide(); // } // $video.addEventListener("ended", function (e) { // console.log('0001'); // swiperBanner.slideNext() // }); // $(this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex)).on("click", '.video-show', function () { // console.log('0000'); // swiperBanner.autoplay.stop(); // if ($video.paused) { // $(this).find('.p-icon').hide(); // $video.play(); // } else { // $(this).find('.p-icon').show(); // $video.pause(); // } // }); // } } } }); //手机导航 $(window).resize(function () { var wWidth = $(window).width(); if (wWidth < 1000) { //导航 $('nav#menuWap').mmenu({ navbar: { title: '国际精密' }, navbars: [ { position: 'top', content: [ 'prev', 'title', 'close' ] } ] }); } else { try { $(".about-devprocess .devprocess-box").mCustomScrollbar('destroy'); // 模拟滚动条 $(".about-devprocess .devprocess-box").mCustomScrollbar({ horizontalScroll: true, scrollButtons: { enable: true }, theme: "grey-thin" }); $('.devprocess-list .d-con .text').each(function () { $(this).mCustomScrollbar('destroy'); $(this).mCustomScrollbar({ horizontalScroll: false, scrollButtons: { enable: true }, theme: "grey-thin2" }); }) } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception } } }); $(window).resize(); // 返回顶部按钮 if ($(this).scrollTop() == 0) { $("#toTop").fadeOut(500); } $(window).scroll(function (event) { /* Act on the event */ if ($(this).scrollTop() == 0) { $("#toTop").fadeOut(500); } if ($(this).scrollTop() != 0) { $("#toTop").fadeIn(500); } }); $("#toTop").click(function (event) { /* Act on the event */ $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: "0px" }, 666) }); // var swiperAutoImg = new Swiper('.auto-bigimgshow .swiper', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 20, effect: 'fade', // loop: true, speed: 1000, allowTouchMove: false, // autoplay:true, on: { init: function (swiper) { slide = this.slides.eq(0); slide.addClass('ani-slide'); }, transitionStart: function () { for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides.eq(i); slide.removeClass('ani-slide'); } }, transitionEnd: function () { slide = this.slides.eq(this.activeIndex); slide.addClass('ani-slide'); } } }); //banner var swiperAuto = new Swiper('.auto-left .swiper', { loopedSlides: 5, watchSlidesProgress: true, slidesPerView: 'auto', direction: 'vertical', loop: true, spaceBetween: 0, allowTouchMove: false, speed: 1000, centeredSlides: true, // autoplay: { // delay: 5000 // }, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 slidesPerView: 3, allowTouchMove: true, direction: 'horizontal', spaceBetween: 10, // centeredSlides: false, }, }, // centeredSlidesBounds: true, // loopAdditionalSlides: 3, on: { transitionStart: function () { swiperAutoImg.slideTo(this.realIndex, 1000, false);//切换到第一个slide,速度为1秒 }, progress: function (progress) { for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { var slide = this.slides.eq(i); var slideProgress = this.slides[i].progress; // console.log(Math.abs(slideProgress)); modify = 1; if (Math.abs(slideProgress) > 1) { modify = (Math.abs(slideProgress) - 1) * 1 + 1; } translate = Math.abs(slideProgress) * modify * 20 + 'px'; // scale = 1 - Math.abs(slideProgress) / 5; zIndex = 999 - Math.abs(Math.round(10 * slideProgress)); slide.transform('translateX(' + translate + ')'); slide.css('zIndex', zIndex); slide.css('opacity', 1); if (Math.abs(slideProgress) > 3) { slide.css('opacity', 0); } } }, setTransition: function (transition) { console.log(transition, 'transition'); for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { var slide = this.slides.eq(i) slide.transition(transition); } }, } }) $('.auto-left .swiper .swiper-slide').click(function () { swiperAuto.autoplay.stop(); var num = $(this).data('num'); swiperAuto.slideToLoop(num, 1000, false);//切换到第一个slide,速度为1秒 }); $('.auto-mechine-cont .auto-right .auto-bigimgshow .sm-img').each(function () { var leftn = $(this).data('left'); var topn = $(this).data('top'); if (leftn || topn) { $(this).css({ 'left': leftn, 'top': topn }) } }); function wowDelay (box, row, delayTime, fisrtDelay = 0) { console.log(box, row, delayTime); $(box).children().each(function (index) { for (var i = 0; i < row; i++) { if (index % row == i) { $(this).attr("data-wow-delay", fisrtDelay + i * delayTime + 's'); }; }; }); }; function wowInt () { if (!(/msie [6|7|8|9]/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) { var wow = new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', animateClass: 'animated', offset: 0, mobile: false, live: true }); wow.init(); }; } wowInt(); // wowDelay('.panter-swiper .swiper-wrapper', $('.panter-swiper .swiper-wrapper .swiper-slide').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.wenhua-swiper .swiper-wrapper', $('.wenhua-swiper .swiper-wrapper .swiper-slide').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.pd-imglist ul', $('.pd-imglist ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.area-box ul', $('.area-box ul li').length, 0.3); wowDelay('.text6-list ul', $('.text6-list ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.ptext8-list ul', $('.ptext8-list ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.prodetail-other ul', $('.prodetail-other ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.about-hzlist ul', $('.about-hzlist ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.news-overviewlist ul', $('.news-overviewlist ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.news-indlist ul', $('.news-indlist ul li').length, 0.1); wowDelay('.join-team ul', $('.join-team ul li').length, 0.1); $('.about-video').click(function () { var $video = $(this).find("video")[0]; if ($video.paused) { $(this).find('.p-icon').remove(); $video.play(); $(this).find('.icon').remove() } else { $video.pause(); } }); $('.area-box li').each(function () { var lileft = $(this).data('left'); var litop = $(this).data('top'); $(this).css({ 'left': lileft, top: litop }) }) var swiperIndexApp = new Swiper('.application-swiper .swiper', { slidesPerView: 'auto', spaceBetween: 30, freeMode: true, loop: true, speed: 1000, autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 autoplay: true, pagination: { el: '.a-page .swiper-pagination', type: 'fraction', renderFraction: function (currentClass, totalClass) { return '0' + ' / ' + '0'; }, }, navigation: { nextEl: ".a-page .swiper-button-next", }, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 slidesPerView: 1, }, }, // autoplay:{ // delay:5000 // }, }) try { swiperIndexApp.el.onmouseleave = function () { swiperIndexApp.autoplay.start(); }, swiperIndexApp.el.onmouseover = function () { swiperIndexApp.autoplay.stop(); } } catch (error) { } $('.application-swiper .swiper-slide').hover(function () { $(this).addClass('cur').siblings().removeClass('cur'); }) // var swiperIndexLogo = new Swiper('.panter-swiper .swiper', { // slidesPerView: 6, // spaceBetween:22, // // grid: { // // rows: 2, // // }, // slidesPerGroup :6, // slidesPerColumn:2, // autoplay:true, // speed: 1000, // // autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 // pagination: { // el: '.panter-swiper .swiper-pagination', // clickable: true // }, // breakpoints: { // 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 // slidesPerView: 3, // }, // }, // // on:{ // // slideChangeTransitionEnd: function(swiper){ // // console.log($(this.slides[this.activeIndex]).find('.p-item').attr('class')); // // }, // // } // }) $('.about-numlist .count').each(function () { var cw = $(this).width(); $(this).width(cw); }); $('.about-numlist').waypoint({ handler: function (direction) { console.log(direction, '22222'); if (direction == 'up') { $(".count").each(function () { var _this = $(this); num = _this.html(); id = _this.attr("id"); var demo = new countUp.CountUp(id, num, { separator: '', }); if (!demo.error) { demo.start(); } else { } }) } }, offset: '-15%' }) $(".count").each(function () { var _this = $(this); num = _this.html(); id = _this.attr("id"); var demo = new countUp.CountUp(id, num, { separator: '', }); var numsc = _this.waypoint({ handler: function (direction) { console.log(direction); if (direction == 'up') { demo.reset(); } else { if (!demo.error) { demo.start(); } else { } } }, offset: '98%' }) }) $('.f-nav li').click(function () { $(this).addClass('cur').siblings().removeClass('cur'); }); $('.about-right').hover(function () { $(this).addClass('cur'); }); setTimeout(function () { $('.banner.inner-banner').addClass('cur'); }, 300) // // var swiperHotPro = new Swiper('.prohot-list .swiper', { // watchSlidesProgress: true, // slidesPerView: 'auto', // centeredSlides: true, // loop: true, // loopedSlides:3, // // autoplay: true, // speed:1000, // // centeredSlidesBounds: true, // // centerInsufficientSlides: true, // navigation: { // nextEl: ".prohot-list .swiper-button-next", // prevEl: ".prohot-list .swiper-button-prev", // }, // on: { // progress: function(progress) { // for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { // var slide = this.slides.eq(i); // var slideProgress = this.slides[i].progress; // modify = 1; // if (Math.abs(slideProgress) > 1) { // modify = (Math.abs(slideProgress) - 1) * 0.3 + 1; // } // translate = slideProgress * modify *60 + 'px'; // scale = 1 - Math.abs(slideProgress) / 3.44; // zIndex = 999 - Math.abs(Math.round(10 * slideProgress)); // slide.transform('translateX(' + translate + ') scale(' + scale + ')'); // slide.css('zIndex', zIndex); // slide.css('opacity', 1); // if (Math.abs(slideProgress) > 2) { // slide.css('opacity', 0); // } // } // }, // setTransition: function(transition) { // for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { // var slide = this.slides.eq(i) // slide.transition(transition); // } // } // }, // }); // $('.radio-box a').click(function(){ // $(this).addClass('cur').siblings().removeClass('cur'); // }); $('.f-sort').click(function () { console.log($(this).hasClass('down'), 2323); if ($(this).hasClass('up')) { $(this).attr('class', 'f-sort down') } else if ($(this).hasClass('down')) { $(this).attr('class', 'f-sort') } else if (!$(this).hasClass('up') && !$(this).hasClass('down')) { $(this).attr('class', 'f-sort up') } }) var swiperIndexHZ = new Swiper('.hz-swiper .swiper', { slidesPerView: 5, spaceBetween: 15, autoplay: true, speed: 1000, // watchSlidesProgress:true, loop: true, // slidesPerGroup :3, // autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 pagination: { el: '.hz-swiper .swiper-pagination', clickable: true }, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 slidesPerView: 3, }, }, }) var swiperLD = new Swiper('#thumbs', { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 26, // autoplay:true, watchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 speed: 1000, watchSlidesProgress: true, // loop:true, // slidesPerGroup :3, // freeMode: true, // autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 // pagination: { // el: '.about-ldlist .swiper-pagination', // clickable: true // }, watchSlidesVisibility: true,//防止不可点击 breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 slidesPerView: 1.5, spaceBetween: 10, // centeredSlides: false, }, }, }) var swiperLDTEXT = new Swiper('#gallery', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 16, speed: 1000, // allowTouchMove:false, watchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, }, }, thumbs: { swiper: swiperLD, }, slideThumbActiveClass: 'my-slide-thumb-active', }) //////////////////////////////////////////// // 荣誉资质swiper 开始 var swiperAboutYear = new Swiper('.year-swiper .swiper', { slidesPerView: 7, spaceBetween: 0, centeredSlides: true, // centeredSlidesBounds: true, // autoplay:true, // watchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 speed: 500, // slideToClickedSlide: true, // watchSlidesProgress:true, allowTouchMove: false, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, slidesPerView: 3, }, }, navigation: { nextEl: ".year-swiper .swiper-button-next", prevEl: ".year-swiper .swiper-button-prev", }, on: { slideChangeTransitionEnd: function () { console.log(this.activeIndex); $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').eq(this.activeIndex).show().siblings().hide() }, }, }) $('.about-honor').on('click', '.news-y', function () { var slength = $('.about-honor .year-swiper .swiper-slide').length - 1; console.log(slength); swiperAboutYear.slideTo(slength, 300, false); $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').eq(slength).show().siblings().hide() }) $('.about-honor').on('click', '.old-y', function () { var slength = 0; swiperAboutYear.slideTo(slength, 300, false); $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').eq(slength).show().siblings().hide() }) //默认执行 显示最新年份 $('.about-honor .news-y').click(); $('.about-honor .year-swiper').on('click', '.swiper-slide', function () { var sindex = $(this).index(); swiperAboutYear.slideTo(sindex, 300, false); $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').eq(sindex).show().siblings().hide() }); //产品分类 Swiper var swiperProLang = $('.product-page-block').length; function CalenSwiperProp (arr) { var sw_swiperapp = []; for (var i = 0; i < swiperProLang; i++) { sw_swiperapp[i] = new Swiper('.product-page-block.swiper' + i + ' .swiper', { watchSlidesProgress: true, slidesPerView: 3, allowTouchMove: false, atchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 spaceBetween: 30, observer: true, //开启动态检查器,监测swiper和slide observeParents: true, //监测Swiper 的祖/父元素 observeSlideChildren: true, //监测Swiper的子元素wrapper、pagination、navigation、scrollbar或其他一级子元素 autoplay: { delay: 3000 + 3000 * ((i + 1) * 0.1) }, loop: true, speed: 1000, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, slidesPerView: 1, }, }, navigation: { nextEl: '.product-page-block.swiper' + i + ' .swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.product-page-block.swiper' + i + ' .swiper-button-prev', }, on: { }, }); } // for (var i = 0; i < swiperAppLang; i++) { // } } CalenSwiperProp(); var swiperAppLang = $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').length; var arr = [] for (var i = 0; i < swiperAppLang; i++) { arr.push(i) if (i == swiperAppLang - 1) { CalenSwiper(arr); } } function CalenSwiper (arr) { var sw_swiperapp = []; var sw_swiperappText = []; arr.forEach(function (e, i) { // console.log('.about-honor-swiper.swiper'+i+' .swiper'); sw_swiperapp[i] = new Swiper('.about-honor-swiper.swiper' + i + ' .swiper', { watchSlidesProgress: true, slidesPerView: 'auto', centeredSlides: true, loop: true, // loopedSlides:3, // allowTouchMove:false, observer: true, //开启动态检查器,监测swiper和slide observeParents: true, //监测Swiper 的祖/父元素 observeSlideChildren: true, //监测Swiper的子元素wrapper、pagination、navigation、scrollbar或其他一级子元素 // autoplay: true, speed: 1000, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, slidesPerView: 1, }, }, navigation: { nextEl: ".about-honor-swiper.swiper" + i + " .swiper-button-next", prevEl: ".about-honor-swiper.swiper" + i + " .swiper-button-prev", }, on: { slideChangeTransitionEnd: function () { // sw_swiperapp[i].slideTo(this.activeIndex, 1000, false);//切换到第一个slide,速度为1秒 }, progress: function (progress) { for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { var slide = this.slides.eq(i); var slideProgress = this.slides[i].progress; modify = 1; if (Math.abs(slideProgress) > 1) { modify = (Math.abs(slideProgress) - 1) * 0.3 + 1; } translate = slideProgress * modify * 30 + 'px'; scale = 1 - Math.abs(slideProgress) / 3.44; zIndex = 999 - Math.abs(Math.round(10 * slideProgress)); slide.transform('translateX(' + translate + ') scale(' + scale + ')'); slide.css('zIndex', zIndex); slide.css('opacity', 1); if (Math.abs(slideProgress) > 2) { slide.css('opacity', 0); } } }, setTransition: function (transition) { for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { var slide = this.slides.eq(i) slide.transition(transition); } } }, }); }) // for (var i = 0; i < swiperAppLang; i++) { // } } // 荣誉资质swiper 结束 //////////////////////////////////////////// var swiperKHhonor = new Swiper('.khzizhi-swiper .swiper', { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 42, // centeredSlides: true, // centeredSlidesBounds: true, // autoplay:true, // watchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 speed: 500, // slideToClickedSlide: true, // watchSlidesProgress:true, // autoHeight:true, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, slidesPerView: 1, }, }, allowTouchMove: false, navigation: { nextEl: ".khzizhi-swiper .swiper-button-next", prevEl: ".khzizhi-swiper .swiper-button-prev", }, // on: { // slideChangeTransitionEnd: function(){ // console.log(this.activeIndex); // $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').eq(this.activeIndex).show().siblings().hide() // }, // }, }) function sameHeight (tar) { var ar1 = [] var maxN = 0; tar.each(function () { var hh = $(this).height(); ar1.push(hh); maxN = Math.max(...ar1) }); setTimeout(() => { tar.height(maxN); }, 100); } sameHeight($('.about-hzlist .text')); sameHeight($('.news-overviewlist h3')); sameHeight($('.news-overviewlist .text-p')); sameHeight($('.news-indlist h3')); sameHeight($('.about-research-list .text')); var swiperWH = new Swiper('.wenhua-swiper .swiper', { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 0, // centeredSlides: true, // centeredSlidesBounds: true, // autoplay:true, // watchOverflow: true,//因为仅有1个slide,swiper无效 speed: 500, // slideToClickedSlide: true, // watchSlidesProgress:true, // autoHeight:true, allowTouchMove: false, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, slidesPerView: 1, }, }, // on: { // slideChangeTransitionEnd: function(){ // console.log(this.activeIndex); // $('.about-swiper-tabbox .swiper-item').eq(this.activeIndex).show().siblings().hide() // }, // }, }) $('.about-keyvalue .k-t h3').hover(function () { $('.about-keyvalue li').removeClass('cur') $(this).parents('li').addClass('act').siblings().removeClass('act') $(this).parent().next('.t-hide').stop().slideDown().parents('li').siblings().find('.t-hide').slideUp(); }); $('.join-list .j-tt').click(function () { $('.join-list li').removeClass('cur') $(this).parents('li').addClass('act').siblings().removeClass('act') $(this).next('.text').stop().slideDown().parents('li').siblings().find('.text').slideUp(); }); var swipeConLeft = new Swiper('.contact-info .con-left .swiper', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 10, speed: 500, // autoHeight:true, allowTouchMove: false, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 // allowTouchMove:true, slidesPerView: 1, }, }, }) var swipeConRight = new Swiper('.contact-info .con-right .swiper', { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 0, speed: 500, watchOverflow: true, // autoHeight:true, allowTouchMove: false, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 allowTouchMove: true, slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 10, }, }, on: { slideChangeTransitionEnd: function () { swipeConLeft.slideTo(this.activeIndex, 1000, false);//切换到第一个slide,速度为1秒 }, }, navigation: { nextEl: ".contact-info .con-right .swiper-button-next", prevEl: ".contact-info .con-right .swiper-button-prev", }, }) $('.contact-info .con-right .swiper-slide').click(function () { $(this).addClass('cur').siblings().removeClass('cur'); var num = $(this).index(); swipeConLeft.slideToLoop(num, 1000, false);//切换到第一个slide,速度为1秒 }); //首页合作伙伴 Swiper var swiperLogoLang = $('.index-panter-tabbox .panter-swiper').length; function CalenSwiperPropLogo (arr) { var sw_swiperLogo = []; for (var i = 0; i < swiperLogoLang; i++) { console.log('.panter-swiper.swiper' + i + ' .swiper'); sw_swiperLogo[i] = new Swiper('.panter-swiper.swiper' + i + ' .swiper', { slidesPerView: 6, spaceBetween: 22, // centerInsufficientSlides: true, // grid: { // rows: 2, // }, watchSlidesProgress: true, watchOverflow: true, slidesPerGroup: 6, slidesPerColumn: 2, slidesPerColumnFill: 'row', autoplay: true, observer: true, //开启动态检查器,监测swiper和slide observeParents: true, //监测Swiper 的祖/父元素 observeSlideChildren: true, //监测Swiper的子元素wrapper、pagination、navigation、scrollbar或其他一级子元素 speed: 1000, // autoHeight: true, //高度随内容变化 pagination: { el: '.panter-swiper.swiper' + i + ' .swiper-pagination', clickable: true }, breakpoints: { 1000: { //当屏幕宽度大于等于320 slidesPerView: 3, }, }, }); } // for (var i = 0; i < swiperAppLang; i++) { // } } CalenSwiperPropLogo(); $('.index-panter-tabitem a').click(function () { $(this).addClass('cur').siblings().removeClass('cur'); var logoIndex = $(this).index(); $('.index-panter-tabbox .tab-item').eq(logoIndex).show().addClass('animated').siblings().hide().removeClass('animated'); }); }) function GetQueryString (name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"); var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); //获取url中"?"符后的字符串并正则匹配 var context = ""; if (r != null) context = decodeURIComponent(r[2]); reg = null; r = null; return context == null || context == "" || context == "undefined" ? "" : context; }